Credit Cards
How to use credit card points for travel
Hi, I’m Kim, The Abundant Traveler, and I have learned how to use credit card points for free travel and incredible experiences.
From saving $10,000 on a trip to Spain to rarely paying for international flights, using credit card sign up bonuses and miles have allowed me to travel longer and travel more often than I ever have before.
I have redeemed millions of points over the years for hotels, adventures and flights by opening credit cards that have amazing sign-up bonuses and attractive ways to earn points while owning these cards. And, I have used all of these great benefits while maintaining a credit score of nearly 800 and never paying a penny in interest.

My Story

Now I use credit cards strategically for free hotel nights, plane tickets, food and activities. I am proof that you can travel extensively without having millions of dollars in the bank.
Follow me, and I’ll show you the way to the world of free travel with credit card to use credit cards so you too can travel for free.