Abundant Travel Tips: Travel Shaming & RV Rental

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Fall has arrived....

The weather has finally turned cooler in Austin, and I’m so excited to start wearing boots and sweaters.  Everyone in Austin has looked a little silly the past couple weeks wearing fun fall clothes when it’s 95 degrees outside.  Today is 40 degrees, and I’m loving it!

This week for travel, I’ve been planning a November trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, with a girlfriend.  We have picked 2 gorgeous traditional hotels, and we are organizing some fun adventures which include eating crickets and sipping mescal…I’ll share more about this trip in the coming weeks.

Random travel tip of the week:  I have an old Patagonia rain jacket (8 years old), and the inside waterproofing is starting to peal away.  I stopped at Patagonia this weekend to buy a new travel rain jacket, and the store clerk said, just bring it in, and we will give you a new one for FREE!  He mentioned the materials they use to use weren’t as good, so the company will just replace my rain coat with a new one.  Yippee!  

Oaxaca, Mexico, The Abundant Traveler

Travel Shaming

I wanted to touch on a subject that has been on my mind lately.  Travel is what lights me up, makes me happy and fills my soul; however, travel shaming has always been part of my life because I travel a lot.  Honestly, I don’t travel as much as someone with a 9-5 job, every weekend off and a 2 week vacation.  If you combine 52 weekends a year, and a 2 week vacation, that’s 118 days a year off work, and I don’t come close to 118 days a year.  I’m lucky because my career has high and low seasons, and some weeks I work 7 days a week, and sometimes I am able to take off a few weeks at one time.  When I travel, I GO BIG!  I go to Nepal and Botswana, and this type of travel tends to be more noticeable on our social channels.   

During COVID many people who are traveling are experiencing travel shaming for the first time….”You shouldn’t be traveling”, “shame on you for getting on a plane”, “how dare you?”.  My request to everyone is to give some grace and understanding to those around you.  This is the first time many have experienced the fear of getting sick.  This is a global pandemic, it’s affecting everyone everyone is freaking out at some point.  Remember, we don’t always know what the other person’s beliefs are, so please give some grace and understanding around their choices and their beliefs.

Yes, I have decided to travel, but I am being as careful as I know how.  I take specific supplements while traveling, I always wear a mask, I sanitize my hands and surfaces, I pay attention to my accommodation’s cleanliness and protocols, and I stay away from large crowds.  I do what I can to stay safe just like I do at home.  Additionally, when I return home from a trip, I tell my friends that I’ve been traveling, and I ask them if they’d prefer to not see me for a week or two.  I am choosing to meet my friends where they are, and not shaming them for their beliefs about traveling right now.  Let’s meet people where THEY are, and show some additional understanding and kindness in these uncertain times.

Ps.  For me, the few trips that I’ve taken have knocked the COVID crazy out of me, and I’ve been able to come back refreshed, rejuvenated, ready to take on the world and healthy.

Travel Shaming, The Abundant Traveler

Goldie The RV

I forgot to mention how you can rent the RV that we took camping last week.  Her name is Goldie the RV, and she can be rented through Outdoorsy.com.  If you are interested in RVing, I definitely recommend this Minnie Winnie,  she’s 31′ long and perfect for 3-4 adult friends, 2 couples, or a family of 4/5.  She’s fully equipped and was the perfect RV for all our needs.  Contact Leah, the owner, and tell her I sent you.

The Abundant Traveler would love your support!

I am building The Abundant Traveler to provide insight, inspiration and valuable travel tips, and I want to continue to provide all of this content free to you and your friends.  I’d be so appreciative if you would consider supporting the brand by shopping on Amazon through my Amazon Shop, Booking hotels through my Resources Page or becoming a patron through Patreon.    My Amazon Shop and Resources Page contain affiliate links where The Abundant Traveler would receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.  Patreon is a bit different; Patreon is a monthly paid sponsorship where you will receive exclusive content as well as invitations to events and meetups.

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