How is sheltering in place changing your world?
How are you fairing during COVID-19? Are you glued to the TV? Have you stocked up enough food and toilet paper for a year? Or have you decided to take this time to slow down, reconnect with friends and family (virtually, of course), and reset your body and mind? Honestly, I flipped out at the grocery store when I saw all the empty shelves (my scarcity beliefs rearing their ugly heads), but beyond that, I’ve enjoyed this down time. I am catching up on my long list of things to do, found a new book to read, signed up for an online course, and I’ve been exercising every single day. I desperately miss human touch, but honestly, I have enjoyed this break.
This week, I’m sharing a few ideas to keep you entertained while you are hanging out at home, some of my favorite books and this week’s YouTube video about the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Great travel books to inspire your wanderlust!
Since we are at all at home, and travel isn’t even an option, why not let your mind wander to foreign lands and different eras through travel novels. Try one of my favorite epoch travel authors, Wilbur Smith, who writes the most amazing novels about Africa. Or try Bill Bryson with his hysterical accounts of traveling the US and Australia. Click this link for some of my Favorite Travel Books. What is your favorite travel book?

Couch surfing for your next vacation
Are you daydreaming of flying to exotic locations? I know I am. Why not check out some fun virtual tours of the worlds best museums or US National Parks. Check out this week’s Travel & Leisure post about National Parks or Goodhousekeeping’s post this week which includes Museums, Zoos & Theme Parks. Use your imagination and start dreaming about that bucket list trip with these videos.

Productivity with The Pomodoro Technique
Again, while we are home, why not get things done and improve your life with this opportunity; this is a great time to learn new tricks to increase your productivity. A good friend of mine, Stacey Harmon is a productivity coach, and she recently told me about The Pomodoro Technique. This technique helps you focus and manage distractions while working (something I definitely need running 2 businesses from my condo). At first, I thought I can’t do this, but I found out that I love this technique. Check out Stacey’s post about this cool productivity model. Make the most of this time.

Fun on the Lower East Side!
Two weeks ago, I was hanging on the Lower East Side during my Women’s Travel Fest Conference, and I fell in love with this part of lower Manhattan. Check out this week’s video about all the fun things to do in that neck of the woods.
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