Abundant Travel Tips: COVID Collaboration & Patreon

The Abundant Traveler, YouTube influencer, travel vlog, laid back luxury travel, female travel blogs, luxury travel website, luxury experiential travel, top travel influencers, video influencers, travel influencer, luxury travel expert, luxury travel blog, women travel guide, travel essentials for women, YouTube travel influencers

It's Patreon & Prosecco time!

Hello all!  Hope this missive finds you safe and healthy.  It’s been a fun couple weeks as Austin is opening back up; it’s also been encouraging to see some countries begin to open their doors.  OMG, I am so ready to travel!

This week I have some fun new things to share, so keep reading….

Patreon Page

I’ve spent the past couple weeks developing my Patreon Page.  This is an online platform for exclusive content, as well as more access to The Abundant Traveler with worldwide meet ups and collaborative calls.  If you love the brand and find value in the content, this is a simple way to support the ongoing development and content creation.  I’d love for you to become a PATRON of The Abundant Traveler.  Check out the Patreon page here.

Patreon, The Abundant Traveler

Pink Prosecco!

It’s been a while since I shared fun wine tips, and no better time than now to introduce you to a new Italian wine.  If you’re new to my Tuesday Travels, you may not know that I spent 15 years in the wine business; I’m a first level Sommelier, and a certified specialist of wine.  Wine is MY THING!  So every once in a while, I find something fun and new in the wine world that is worth mentioning, and Pink Prosecco is worth raving about.  We all love pink bubbles, and now we can travel to Northern Italy and try this delicious new wine.  Who’s with me?!   Read the full Pink Prosecco article here.

YouTube Collaboration Video

This was such a fun project!  Over the past month, I’ve been curating a travel video of 10 incredible YouTube travel women; I wanted to see where my fellow YouTubers were traveling first after COVID.  Enjoy this fun and creative video showcasing their thoughts and travel inspiration. 

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a small commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend products that I personally know and use, and the income helps to keep this site updated and free for everyone.

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